If you find yourself in Lagos, one of the busiest cities in Nigeria, without a car, you’re in for a wild ride.
But fear not, because, with a little bit of luck and a lot of danfo, you’ll get to work in no time!
For those who don’t know, the danfo is the quintessential Nigerian minibus that plies almost every road in Lagos. It’s not the most luxurious ride but definitely the most popular.
So, how does an average Lagosian without a car get to work?
Well, let me break it down for you.
First things first, you’ve got to find your way to the bus stop. This could be an adventure, as Lagos is notorious for its crazy traffic and unpredictable road conditions. But if you’re lucky, you’ll find a friendly okada rider to take you to the nearest bus stop for a small fee.
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Once you get to the bus stop, it’s time to look for one going in your direction.
This is where the fun begins. You’ll hear conductors shouting “Oshodi! Oshodi!!” or “Mile 2! Mile 2!!” at the top of their lungs, trying to attract passengers. It’s like a game of cat and mouse, with passengers trying to dodge the conductors they don’t want to ride with.
Eventually, you’ll find one going in your direction.
Now it’s time to negotiate the fare.
The conductor will quote a price usually higher than it should be, and you’ll have to haggle your way down to a fair price. If you’re not careful, you could end up paying twice the amount you should.
Once you’ve settled on a price, it’s time to get on the bus. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a seat. If not, you’ll have to stand and hold on for dear life as the driver weaves through traffic like a madman.
Read also: Red Flags: How To Spot Fake House Agents in Lagos.
The journey itself is an experience.
You’ll hear loud music from the speakers and feel the bus shake as it hits potholes and bumps on the road. You might even witness a few heated arguments between passengers and conductors.
But eventually, you’ll get to your destination. You’ll yell “O wa o!” at the top of your lungs, and the driver will pull over. You’ll hand the conductor your fare and hop off the bus, feeling like you just survived a rollercoaster ride.
And that’s how an average Lagosian without a car gets to work with Danfo. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it’s definitely an adventure.
So if you find yourself in Lagos without a car, don’t fret. Just hop in and enjoy the ride.
Notin spoil!
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